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The place your kids want to be! We're inviting campers to have fun, form friendships, find new talents and gain confidence with a summer they won't forget.


The possibilities are endless with art, science, music, dance, chess, robotics, drama, sports, and many other types of camps available. With interactive projects, activities, and learning, if there's an interest, there's a camp.​


Have questions? Please email the program:

Evan Grau, Camp Supervisor:


Susanna Brown, Early Childhood/Preschool:


Safety Town:

Kate Porter, Summer Camp Manager,


For assistance with registration or scholarships please call: 734.994.2300 x0.

During the summer, youth scholarship recipients may use their scholarship for 1 summer camp and 1 summer class.


The Camp Environment

Rec & Ed camps are active and fun! Whether it's an enrichment or sports camp, our camps feature:

● A counselor to camper ratio of 1:18

● Engaging and age-appropriate activities

● Small group projects, discussions, and games

● Indoor & outdoor time 

● Both quiet and louder times during the day


A safe, enjoyable camp environment is our #1 priority. Please be sure to review Rec & Ed's behavior policy before the start of camp.


WELCOME LETTER: Be sure to read the Welcome Letter that is emailed to you approximately one week before the camp start date. It will have important details about your camp, as well as information regarding what to bring, what to wear, where to meet, what COVID-19 safeguards will be in place, etc.. ● CAMP LAYOUT: Be sure to open and review any attachment(s) to the Welcome Letter, because it may indicate proper entry and exit points for parking lots and fields. ● DROP-OFF & PICK-UP: Again, please read the Welcome Letter for instructions regarding how to drop off and pick up your child. Camp staff will be available to help your child get to and from their classroom. Reminder: Have your photo ID ready at the end of the day when you pick up your child. Under no circumstances will children be allowed to leave our program with an unauthorized person.


CAMP HIGHLIGHTS: All enrichment camps will provide "Camp Highlights," which is a list of each day's activities as well as the Camp Supervisor’s cell phone number. If you do not receive the "Camp Highlights" via email by the first day of camp, feel free to ask any staff member for a hard copy.


Children registered for a full-day camp (9am-4pm) will need to bring a lunch and a few snacks. Packed lunches at camp are often kept at room temperature for 4-6 hours. There are several ways to keep a packed lunch safe to eat: ● Choose foods that may safely be kept at room temperature ● Select and handle food carefully to prevent food poisoning ● Insulated, soft-sided lunch boxes or bags are best for keeping food cold ● Pack at least 2 (two) ice sources with any type of lunch bag or box you use Children registered for a half-day camp need only bring snacks. All Rec & Ed camps are "Nut Aware." There are campers with severe allergies to nuts including sesame seeds and hummus. Please respect this rule when you send food with your child. Foods that contain nuts, nut products or are produced in a facility that processes nuts need to stay at home. Campers with nut products in their lunches or snacks will be directed to eat in a safe area away from campers with allergies. Camp staff may also call home for replacement lunch or snacks.


Supplies may include: ● food ● snacks ● water bottles ● bug spray ● sunscreen Make sure that any clothes, backpack, and other items your child brings are okay to get wet, soiled or ripped. Label all clothes and supplies with your child's name using a permanent market. Rec & Ed will make reasonable effort to locate lost items; however, Rec & Ed is not responsible for any lost or damaged items.


Make sure your child is dressed for comfort, safety, and the forecasted weather. Avoid clothing with strings attached that may get caught on play equipment. Please consult the Welcome Letter for footwear requirements; most camps will require closed-toe shoes.


Help fight heat and dehydration by sending one or more pre-filled, labeled water bottles with your child each day. Putting sunscreen on your child before coming to camp is recommended. Camps will not provide sunscreen for campers to use, but staff will help remind campers (who bring their own sunscreen) to reapply, if needed


Each week-long camp is taught by subject matter experts dedicated to making positive, lasting memories for all campers. Many camps also have high school volunteers, who assist campers with projects, help staff lead games and activities, and contribute to the FUN atmosphere of camp. All staff receive ongoing training in the areas of child development, quality environment, programming, behavior management, health and safety. Each camp has at least one staff member who is CPR and First-aid certified. Staff members are selected for their maturity, enthusiasm, and experience to be sure your child receives the best care and attention possible at camp. All staff are subject to criminal background checks and fingerprinting. Sport camp instructors are also certified in concussion prevention and awareness.


Rec & Ed is committed to providing a safe, healthy and stable program environment. To ensure a safe environment, students are expected to abide by the Expected Behaviors below. EXPECTED BEHAVIORS: ● Respect the rights and property of others ● Act in a courteous and cooperative manner ● Use acceptable and appropriate language ● Be responsible for own actions ● Follow Rec & Ed program rules INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIORS: ● Physical harm to another student or staff member ● Self-harm ● Destruction of property ● Leaving the class or camp without permission ● Any verbal or physical behavior that can be considered bullying 1. All students are expected to participate behaviorally within the a staff-to-student ratio of no less than 1:18. 2. It is the sole discretion of an instructor or site staff to determine if a serious behavior problem exists. Examples include a student consistently inflicting physical or emotional harm on other students, physically abusing staff, or otherwise refusing or proving unable to interact within the rules and guidelines of the program. 3. If a student has a chronic behavior problem, the staff will work with both the student and parent/guardian. If positive outcomes cannot be achieved, Rec & Ed reserves the right to call the parent/guardian for immediate pickup and to suspend and/or dis-enroll the student without credit. 4. The staff uses positive methods of behavior management that encourage self-control, self-esteem, and cooperation. When warranted, staff will intervene in a positive, non-threatening manner. Students are encouraged to develop their own solutions and will be given guidance to develop successful, age-appropriate alternative behavior patterns. 5. Prohibited behavior management methods include physical manipulation (barring a safety issue), and verbally, mentally or physically threatening a student. For more information, please see the Ann Arbor Public Schools "Rights and Responsibilities" handbook.


There will be a Lost & Found table or box at most camps. Please check it every day for lost items. Items will only be kept on hand for approximately 2 weeks, after which time they will be donated or discarded.


If an accident should occur at a camp program, the Camp Supervisor will advise the parent at the time of pick up, unless it is a head injury. All injuries to the head will receive an immediate parent phone call. If emergency treatment is warranted, the Camp Supervisor will immediately notify the parent or guardian and the child will be transported by ambulance to the nearest medical facility, if necessary


If your child has an allergy action plan, please let Rec & Ed know at least 2 weeks in advance of your child's participation in the camp. Email with your child's information. Camps follow the district policy governing use of Epi pens for allergic reactions. It is the parent's responsibility to communicate any special concerns to the Camp Supervisor and to provide any necessary training to camp staff.


If your child must take medication during camp, the Ann Arbor Public Schools medication policy requires written authorization to be on file at the camp in order for camp staff to administer all prescribed and over-the-counter medication. The authorization form must be signed by both a physician and a parent/guardian. All medication must be in its original container and clearly labeled. If any of these conditions are not met, staff will be unable to administer the medication.



Rec & Ed strives to make camps accessible to all school-aged children. Rec & Ed complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide and make reasonable accommodations to assist students with disabilities so that they may participate in the program. 1. All students enrolled in classes or camps are expected to be able to participate independently and safely in a 1:18 staff to student ratio. 2. For special needs accommodations, the student’s parent/guardian must do the following at least 3 weeks in advance of desired first day of class/camp: ● Complete the “Special Needs” (SN) section in ePACT. ● Communicate with administrative staff by phone or email. An administrator will contact the family to review the SN, discuss how the program is structured, determine the level of support needed, and how the student may be supported. Parent/guardian input is critical to successful planning. Parents may share relevant information from 504 or IEP plans. 3. Reasonable accommodations include: Basic behavior plans, basic medical assistance (that does not require a special credential), posted graphics, modified breaks, permission to bring special items from home, verbal cues, and assistance with fine motor skills. 4. Rec & Ed may be able to provide additional support to students with more complex special needs. ● District special education services provided during the school day, including one-on-one Teaching Assistant (TA) services, may extend to the summer camp program. ● The goal is to have any support staff in place by the time class or camp begins. 5. Discipline The behavior/student management policy (see below) applies to all students. Any student who poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others may be suspended or dismissed from the program. Rec & Ed staff will call and/or email you at least one week before camp begins to explain the accommodations we are able to provide.



AAPS students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that provides a school-day parapro MAY be able to have a one-on-one aide for camp. The Office of Special Ed determines if a camper will receive a parapro for camp . For students requiring a one-on-one aide, please let Rec & Ed know at least 3 weeks in advance of your child's participation in the camp. Rec & Ed staff will follow up with parents regarding accommodations based on information provided at registration. If you have not been contacted regarding your child's special needs at least 1 week before the camp starts, please email Non-AAPS students: AAPS cannot assign parapros to children who attend schools outside the district. However, parents/guardians are welcome to provide an assistant or helper to accompany their child to camp each day. Please email at least 3 weeks before camp to let us know who will be accompanying your child and to discuss the details.


Michigan's unpredictable weather can deeply impact summer camps. Outdoor-based sports camps may be cancelled due to rain or excessive heat based on the district's policies. When a school is closed due to power loss or other facility problems, the Rec & Ed activities in that school are cancelled. If a camp is cancelled due to weather or building issues, you will be immediately notified by email.


Rec & Ed staff may take pictures or videos of youth and adult participants in any Rec & Ed activity, including camps, classes, team sports, and childcare. Images may be used in Rec & Ed or school district promotional materials (brochures, catalog, website, and social media). For participants' safety, names will never be used. Rec & Ed will not authorize others to use such photographs for commercial purposes. Enrollment in an activity with Rec & Ed indicates approval. To opt out, email:

© 2025 AAPS-Community Education & Recreation  1515 S. Seventh St.  Ann Arbor, MI 48103

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